Class Three - Year Five & Year Six

~ 'A Love of Learning for Life and for All' ~

"Love one another.  As I have loved you,  so you must love one another"  John 13:34

Class Teacher  Mrs S Wendon

Senior TA Miss A Davis

Teaching Assistant  Miss L Spencer 


 Break time 10.15am 

Lunch time 12.15pm - 1.00pm

Our KS2 children aren't timetabled for an afternoon break

Staff have can use their discretion if they feel it is in the children's best interests to allow a short break to boost well-being 


Swimming starts for all children in Year 5 from September 

Goggles form       Guidance for Parents.pdf         Inhaler 



Class Three - Year Five & Year Six

~ 'A Love of Learning for Life and for All' ~

"Love one another.  As I have loved you,  so you must love one another"  John 13:34

Class Teacher  Mrs S Wendon

Senior TA Miss A Davis

Teaching Assistant  Miss L Spencer 


 Break time 10.15am 

Lunch time 12.15pm - 1.00pm

Our KS2 children aren't timetabled for an afternoon break

Staff have can use their discretion if they feel it is in the children's best interests to allow a short break to boost well-being 


Swimming starts for all children in Year 5 from September 

Goggles form       Guidance for Parents.pdf         Inhaler 
